NTP - An easy, quick, reliable and lightwight way to fingerprint a system
About ten years ago, and around three years after the nmap scripting engine (NSE) made it into mainline, I wrote and contributed ntp-info
to the nmap project.
About ten years ago, and around three years after the nmap scripting engine (NSE) made it into mainline, I wrote and contributed ntp-info
to the nmap project.
This post is part of the Test Your Skills series. You can find an introduction here. And an overview of all TYS’s currently available is over here.
Bob, who has a very cute little puppy, sends you an email asking for your help. He says that he, by accident, deleted the best picture he had of his cute little puppy from a USB memory stick. He also mentioned that he immediately unplugged the memory stick once he noticed that he deleted the picture. He took an image of the stick with DD and attached it to the email.
His last line in the mail is something like: This is really important to me. I need this picture back asap. I will make up to you if you can deliver within 72 hours!
dockerinoz is a very small and simple tool which allows you to verify the content of Dockerfiles against a given best practice. It’s nothing more than a fancy grep using a bit more than just simple regular expressions. This approach allows for very quick verifications which is especially important when implementing dockerinoz into your build pipeline. It also makes dockerinoz super easy to modify and extend - especially as the rules are just regular expressions in a json file (rules.json).
This post is part of the Test Your Skills series. You can find an introduction here. And an overview of all TYS’s currently available is over here.
PHP was one of the first web-specialized languages (created 1994) broadly used. Even today, 25 years later, PHP is powering at least parts of most of the web based applications on the internet (~80% - check https://w3techs.com/).